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Diablo 3 Eternal Collection Has Been Announced for Nintendo Switch

Blizzard has been teasing for awhile that they were bringing Diablo to the Nintendo Switch. And yesterday, Forbes released an article about the game coming to the system and then quickly retracted the statement. Today, we found out that its true: Diablo 3 Eternal Collection is coming to the Nintendo Switch this year!

Diablo 3 Eternal Collection has been announced for the Nintendo Switch.

The collection will include the main game, all DLC, and Legend of Zelda exclusive items, including a Cucco and Gandondorf armor! Diablo 3 will also include off-line and online multiplayer.

I’ve never played this series before. I’ve heard of it, of course, but I never knew it would be something I’d be interested in. I thought the trailer looked great! I loved that it started with Reggie and had some of the old Nintendo humor to it. And we got to see actual gameplay and it looks stunning on the Switch.

This is going to be a huge game for the Switch. Actually, its just huge that Blizzard is doing a game for a Nintendo system. Have they ever done a Nintendo game before?!

What do you think of Diablo 3 Eternal Collection? Will you be picking it up when it hits Nintendo Switch?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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