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Button City

In Button City for the Nintendo Switch, a group of animal kids just want to save their local arcade from closing. And play video games of course! Is this cozy, wholesome game worth a look? Here is our review of Button City.


Button City is an Adventure game where you play as a Fox named Fennel who loves video games. Along with some friends, he decides to save their local arcade.

The story is very family friendly and cute. It has some wonderful bits of dialogue that video game fans of all ages will crack a smile at. The story and the game in general is full of 80s and 90s video game nostalgia too.

And while its main gameplay is Fennel walking around, interacting with objects and people, there are mini-games that add some variety to Button City. In and out of the game’s local arcade, players will take part in mini-games from racing to running a lemonade stand. All of the min-games are really well done.


Button City has both analog and touch screen controls. The analog controls work the best, but the touch screen controls do work well too.

As for its graphics, Button City is a cute and colorful game. If you want a wholesome and cozy experience, you’ll find it with Button City.

In fact, wholesome and cozy sum up Button City very well. Players who like Animal Crossing and casual Adventure games will enjoy it. So sit back and visit Button as soon as possible. Its well worth a trip!

Button City gets a 9.0 out of 10.

Thank you to Stride PR for providing a review code for this game. Button City is now available for the Nintendo Switch.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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