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Beat the Heat: Staying Entertained Indoors This Summer

Let’s face it, there are plenty of reasons to stay inside this summer. The current world situation is a big one, but for many people (myself included) the heat itself is reason enough not to dilly-dally outdoors unless there is something else going on. Don’t get me wrong – fresh air, exercise and outdoor activities are all important for a healthy lifestyle, but it is equally important to be able to keep yourself entertained indoors as well.


Luckily for us, there are almost limitless options for indoor activities. Aside from video games as our obvious favourite, my family loves some of the low-tech gaming options. Card and board games are a great way to spend a little time inside with friends and family while still engaging some critical thinking. Not only is it a nice break from all of the screens in front of us, but the board game world has offerings that are almost as diverse as the video game world itself.

Card games, while not as diverse as board games, usually involve a fair amount of strategy and are of shorter length and require less setup. This makes them a quicker alternative that can still bring a lot of laughs (and sometimes a little frustration), but most importantly some real face time with your family. One of our favourite card games right now is the word game, Quiddler, which is a Scrabble-esque word game that challenges your vocabulary.


We understand that going offline isn’t for everyone, so we thought we would highlight some of the most entertaining options you never knew were at your fingertips. For anyone who doesn’t know, online casinos are an amazing entertainment option, and to get started you can get these codes for casino online, if that is something that might be of interest to you. Remember to only play as long as you are having fun and always play within your limit!

If you are on the tech-savvy side of things, one of the more engaging ways to refresh your indoor experience can be starting a stream. Regardless of what your hobby is, you can find a home on Twitch or your streaming platform of choice. It is exciting to set up, allows YOU the option of creating your own community.

In addition, it may have actual financial benefit down the road, but it is always best to just go into it for fun. Streamers who are too obviously looking to make affiliate/partner and are begging for subs/donations are typically less popular and less content with their streaming life. So just get a mic and webcam, spend some time setting up your streaming software and give it a shot!

Of course there are many more activities to engage in while spending free time around the home, but hopefully these favourites of ours can inform and inspire some of you to try something you may not have even thought of before and finding a little bit more comfort and family enjoyment within your own home.


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