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Streets of Rogue

The streets are dangerous. You just never know when you’ll run into a gangster or a doctor with a tranq gun or a thief who just has to rob everyone. Wait. What am I talking about? Yes, its another game. I’m actually talking about the streets found in Streets of Rogue. Its a new 2D open world game where you go around finishing missions and attack people. This game can be very chaotic. It is also can be really fun.


Streets of Rogue takes you to the mean and really funny streets of a world filled with thugs, hooligans, kind of normal people, and others who want to take your money or your life. In this game, you’ll choose your character, anyone from a thief to a doctor to a gangster to others, and then go out on missions. You can also just go beat up random people too. Beware though because you can die pretty quickly in this game.

Each level of Streets of Rogue is randomly generated. So the layout of a level will be different every time you go into it. The missions vary, but mostly you’ll be destroying stuff. As I mentioned before, though, you could just go in and beat people up for their stuff. The game has a wonderful sense of humor about it all, which I love. Its a pretty good game and has nice graphics too.

As far as its graphics, Streets of Rogue is a overhead, 2D style game. I’d say the graphics are very SNES-style, but with a bit more detail. There is also a lot of blood and guts found in this game, though there’s an option to turn off the gore if its not your thing. The options in this game are very intense. I also like how the game included modifiers to make the game a little bit easier. You can have unlimited ammo if you want!

Streets of Rogue is a fun game. It can be a little challenging, especially if you go around picking fights with everyone, but otherwise its a cool game. Oh and there’s multiplayer too, including online play and its works well.

Overall, Streets of Rogue is a great game. If you want to go in and cause some choas, then this is your game.

Streets of Rogue gets an 8.0 out of 10.

Thanks to Tiny Build for providing a digital copy of this game! Streets of Rogue is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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