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Sony Teams Up With University to Expand Accessibility Through Play

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is known for pushing boundaries in gaming. Their commitment to innovation takes many forms, and often involves collaboration with valued partners. The recently released Access Controller is a prime example. This customizable controller is designed to remove barriers for players with disabilities, reflecting SIE’s wider goal of creating accessible experiences for everyone.

To further explore the Access Controller’s potential, SIE’s Future Technology Group (FTG) partnered with Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. FTG fosters innovation by seeking out fresh ideas and fostering collaboration. This project exemplifies SIE’s global reach, with connections made in Budapest leading to a partnership in Melbourne.

Swinburne’s expertise in applied innovation and access to cutting-edge labs made them a perfect partner. SIE provided researchers with Access Controllers, along with presentations on design, sustainability, and accessibility. The goal? Explore entirely new possibilities for the controller.

Ideas ranged from using the controller as a fidget toy to creating musical instruments. One intriguing concept involved exploring if a DJ could use the Access Controller to perform. This project highlights the potential for collaboration across Sony divisions, such as Sony Music.

The partnership with Swinburne is just the beginning. SIE is committed to long-term academic collaborations, fostering relationships with PhD candidates and professors. They’re constantly seeking ways to improve, from presentation styles to non-verbal communication. SIE recognizes the value of blurring the lines between academia and industry, leading to promising outcomes.

This project showcased the power of diverse perspectives. Students from various backgrounds brought fresh ideas to the table. Even family members of all ages participated, offering valuable insights. This collaboration inspired SIE to explore new avenues for innovation and collaboration, fueled by the creativity of future trailblazers.


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blank Kevin Austin has been in gaming journalism in one way or another since the launch of the Nintendo Gamecube. Married and father of 3 children he has been gaming since the ripe age of 6 when he got his first NES system and over 30 years later he is still gaming almost daily. Kevin is also co-founder of the Play Some Video Games (PSVG) Podcast network which was founded over five years ago and is still going strong. Some of his favorite gaming series includes Fallout and Far Cry, he is a sucker for single player adventure games (hence his big reviews for Playstation), and can frequently be found getting down in one battle royale or another. If it's an oddball game, odds are he's all about it.

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