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Panzer Paladin Review

What do you get when you create a game with one part Mega Man, one part Castlevania, and one part Shovel Knight? You might get Panzar Paladin for the Nintendo Switch. But does Panzar Paladin live up to those games or should you hop into your mech and download a different game?


Panzar Paladin is a 2D action/platformer in the vain of Mega Man, Castlevania, and Shovel Knight. In fact, it does borrow some mechanics from each of those games. However, Panzar isn’t a rip off of those games. It is, in fact, your next retro 2D addiction.

In Panzar Paladin you control a mech that goes about fighting evil. Sure the game has more of a story than that, but its about as important as the Mega Man game’s stories; not very important even though the cutscenes are kind of cool. Also like Mega Man, after beating the initial first level, you can take on any of the other levels in any order you want.

The mech controls really well and doesn’t feel like a tank. You’ll collect weapons from various enemies as you go. Do not forget to equip them. Panzar Paladin has a little bit of rpg in its blood: equipable weapons and upgradable too! In a separate mode (there are a few), you can even create your own weapon and share it online. The weapons in this game are pretty fun and so are the levels!

Each level in the game is unique and interesting. They have their own specific boss and you gain their weapon when you beat them. As for the other enemies in the stages, some of them are specific to a region while others are just recolors of ones you’ve seen in other regions. None of the enemies, including the bosses, feel stale though. They are all really neat.

And if you ever want a break from your mech, you can step out of it and take on some Castlevania-like swinging and attacking. I guess Panzar Paladin is a little bit of Blaster Master in its blood too. No matter how you try to explain this game though, the most important word is fun. Panzar Paladin is a ton of fun. And it looks great too!

Panzar Paladin’s graphics are wonderful. This game might actually look better than Shovel Knight or the most recent Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2. The cutscenes look really nice too. Panzar Paladin is an absolute treat for retro 2D action platformer fans!


Panzar Paladin is a can’t miss indie 2D action platformer. If you love retro-style action/platformers than you owe it to yourself to download this game now!

Panzar Paladin gets a 9.0 out of 10.

Thanks to Tribute Games for providing a digital code for this review. Panzer Paladin is out now on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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