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Nintendo’s Release Schedule Revealed

Nintendo put out a release schedule for their upcoming games. However, it should be noted that this list may not be complete. The only games included on the list are games that Nintendo previously has announced. Nintendo could easily announce more games in an upcoming Nintendo Direct. As of now, the games listed below are the ones that we know are coming. I’ll post the lists and my thoughts on some of the games.


The schedule that Nintendo released covers Wii U and 3DS games that are coming out this year and early next year for North America, Europe, and Japan. As you’ll notice, there are only three Wii U games listed from Nintendo. There are a lot of Indie games coming to the Wii U in the third party list. Though, the third party list isn’t anywhere near complete because we know even more indie games then the ones listed are coming to the Wii U. I’m hoping that Nintendo will announce some more Wii U games for this year in a Nintendo Direct. Paper Mario: Color Splash is the only Wii U game coming from Nintendo this year. As far as we know anyway. Take a look at these lists and I’ll comment afterwards.




(note: open images in a new tab to view them better)

Like I mentioned earlier, I hope that Paper Mario Color Splash is not the only game coming from Nintendo this year. Yes, I realize they are starting to focus on the NX, but that isn’t coming till next year. The Wii U needs more Nintendo games this year. The Indie list, however, is pretty good. I’m especially looking forward to Jotun: Valhalla Edition and Shantae: Half-Genie Hero.

As for the 3DS list, Nintendo’s lineup this year is amazing. I’m excited for Dragon Quest VII the most, though Metroid Prime Federation Force and the new Mario Party look excellent too. Also, I’m glad that Dragon Quest VIII is still coming out this year for the 3DS. Well, for North American anyway. It looks like Europe will have to wait till 2017. And I know a lot of people are excited for the new Pokemon games!

Third party wise, the 3DS list is impressive too. Runbow Pocket is the game that I think will be the best there. Runbow is a blast on the Wii U and should be even better on the New 3DS (portable Runbow!!).

One thing that I think is interesting is that Disney Magical World 2 is being published by Nintendo in Europe. As for North America, the game seems oddly missing from the NA list. You would think that Disney Magical World 2 would be listed in the third party picture above, but its not. Hmmm. I hope the game is still coming to North America this year.

Finally, I’m very happy to see the NES Classic Edition system listed for November 11th! Its going to make a great Christmas present.

Overall, the 3DS lists are pretty impressive. The Wii U indie list is pretty good too. It is just the Nintendo Wii U list thats worrying. Is Nintendo really giving up on the Wii U? I hope not. I’m not ready to move on from the system yet and I hope Nintendo will keep making games for the system a little longer…

What do you think of these two lists? Are there any games on the lists that you are looking forward to?

Source: Nintendo Everything


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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