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Mad Bullets

In “Light gun” games, you control the gun (or target) that you move to shoot at enemies and not your character. In the past, games like this came with physical prop guns that you shoot at the screen with. Now that motion controls are here, you can just move the joycon around to shoot at enemies. Mad Bullets is a “light gun” game for the Nintendo Switch. Is it a fun one though?


Mad Bullets is unplayable. At least, that was my experience with the game.

In Mad Bullets, you find yourself “on rails”, meaning the game moves your character, and you have “control” over the shooting in the game. The setting is the Wild West. Other characters in the game shoot at you and you shoot back. Well, in theory that is how it should work.

I had nothing but trouble with this game. Mad Bullets only uses motion controls. The game does not have any option to play with analog/buttons. Mad Bullets starts with you having to align the motion controls. You are told to aim at the center of your screen and fire. I did this and the target on the screen kept moving all over the place. I wasn’t even moving my joy-con!

The lack of aiming in this game makes it nearly impossible to play Mad Bullets. I’m not sure if the aiming problems were due to some wireless signal interfering with my joy-con or if the game is just designed poorly. In any case, I sometimes got into the actual game and played it a little. I always got killed though because the enemy had better aiming then me.

I can’t say I was too impressed by game graphics or sound. The game looks like something you would have found on the Wii.

Overall, I wasn’t impressed with Mad Bullets. I don’t think its fair to give the game a score though because I have no idea if the control issues I had were because of wifi interference or just bad design. I can’t recommend this game. If you decide to download it, please let us know if you have as much trouble with the aiming as I did!

A digital code was provided to us. Mad Bullets is out now for the Nintendo Switch eshop.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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