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How Necessary is a Board Game Table?

We have talked at length here on the website about the variety of upgrades you can get to make your board gaming life that much better. From upgraded resources to board games bags, we’ve had the pleasure of covering a lot of great stuff. One thing we’ve never covered, however, has been board game tables, and on the eve of getting one for review, we thought we would answer the question everyone has, “Do I need a board game table?”

blankThe answer to that question is, sadly, a bit fluid. For some who can afford it, why not? A board game table provides a ton of benefits over a standard dining room table. They have lowered inset play areas so pieces are not likely to go toppling off the table. Most tables have a matted bottom which makes picking up cards specifically much easier. Tables often come with rails for cup holders, card holders, and any other number of accessories. And if you get a topper for your table, you can leave larger games all setup and play something else on the wooded top.

For example, a table would benefit greatly as my father-in-law and I are currently playing through Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin. We’ve been keeping our ongoing campaign setup for a good long while now, but it’s taken up one of our two board game playing areas. And it’s been that way for months. If we had a table with a topper, we would be able to cover that game with the toppers and play something else on top. A win for sure, at least for me.


But the table comes at a price, and that price is often a lot more than most people are ready to spend. So if you are tight for money, or have other purchases you would rather make, a board game table probably isn’t a necessity. A good table is going to run you a few thousand dollars, and they tend to be large and chunky as well. That means you’ll need sufficient space just to use the table effectively, which for a lot of people may not be an option.

Whether you need one or not will come down to a personal decision, but if you are on the fence, I would say to take the plunge. Friends of ours do have board game tables, and they are magnificent. Every time I see them I’m super jealous. They are luxury items for sure, but it might be that one luxury item you really want in your house. And if you can do it without causing faults in other areas, I’d say go for it!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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