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What Makes a Wired Connection Superior to Wi-Fi Connection?

In the current world, wireless internet is the most popular type of internet that is being used across the world because of the convenience that a WiFi connection provides. WiFi allows you to access and use the internet as long as you are in the range of an access point without the need for any wire or any additional accessory. Due to this reason, WiFi or wireless connection are preferred by users worldwide but what if we told you that a wired connection or ethernet connection is superior to a WiFi connection in many aspects?


Yes, you read that right. Despite the convenience and flexibility of a WiFi connection, there are still several key areas in which a WiFi connection lags behind a wired connection. Let us discuss a few reasons that make a wired connection a superior choice to a WiFi connection.

More Secure

For most internet users, security is becoming a top concern because of how cyber attacks are increasing every day. A WiFi connection does have advanced security protocols like firewalls and encryption that can be accessed and configured through but still, it is still susceptible to data breaches and cyber-attacks. No matter how much you try to secure your wireless connection, a malicious actor can use the right software and hardware to access your network.

However, when it comes to a wired connection then that is not the case. A wired connection makes it extremely difficult for any malicious actor to access your network and data because they need physical access to your router or network, which in most instances is not available. This makes the security of a wired connection superior to a WiFi connection.

Higher Speed

The next aspect in which a wired connection or ethernet connection is superior to a WiFi connection is speed. Although wireless technology has improved significantly over the past few years, the ethernet connection is still a faster option. The only thing that you need to consider is the quality of your ethernet cable because the speed of your wired connection depends on the quality of your cable but other than that, a wired connection can transmit data at a much faster rate.

For instance, a CAT7 Ethernet cable can transmit data at speeds up to 10 Gbps whereas a WiFi network can transmit data at speeds up to 6.9 Gbps. For household users, the speed difference between a wireless and wired connection might not be apparent but when it comes to an office environment, an ethernet connection provides much faster speeds to boost productivity.

Better Latency

Latency refers to the time it takes for data to transfer from your device to the server and back. It is generally measured in milliseconds (ms) and a lower latency or ping means a good connection. When it comes to comparing connections, a WiFi connection is more prone to interruptions and high latency than a wired connection.

Although many factors determine a connection’s latency including the configuration on, router firmware, gaming server location, and operating systems, a wired connection generally has much better latency than a WiFi connection. For people who do online gaming, their online gaming experience depends on latency, and for a better online gaming experience, a wired connection is a better option.

Interference Free

No matter how much you try to keep your wireless connection interference-free, it is subject to interference in one way or the other. Your wireless network can experience interference by many things including your house’s or office’s layout, physical barriers, electronic devices nearby, wireless devices nearby, other wireless networks in the same area, and frequency interference. Due to interference, a WiFi connection delivers slower speeds, high latency, and frequency connection drops.

However, when it comes to a wired connection, interference and the associated factors are not something that you have to worry about. A wired connection is free from all sorts of interference and the only thing that you have to worry about is the condition of your ethernet cable and the power. Other than that, you will hardly experience any interference.


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