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Twin Mirror – E3 2018 Announce Trailer | PS4

Today is the third day of Playstation’s Countdown to E3 announcements. On the first day, we got the Tetris Effect reveal, on the second day we got a release date for Days Gone, and today we got a brand new game reveal. The game is called Twin Mirror. Check out the announcement trailer for it below and my thoughts on the footage.

Twin Mirror for the Playstation 4 doesn’t have a specific release date yet. The trailer only says “2019.”

I was impressed with the footage for this game. The concept of the game reminds me of Silent Hill and the footage itself is a cross between Silent Hill and Heavy Rain.

The footage in the trailer looked like just cutscenes. What will the gameplay be like? Will it be a Silent Hill type game or closer to Heavy Rain’s interactive storytelling? I think either way, this could be a really good game. Hopefully even more of Twin Mirror will be shown during E3 next week!

What do you think of Twin Mirror?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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