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The Wonderfully Weird World of Hollow Knight for Nintendo Switch

The moment I saw Hollow Knight at E3, I knew I wanted the game. I couldn’t get it then, but finally was able to pick up a copy of it yesterday. Here are my first impressions of Hollow Knight for Nintendo Switch.


Hollow Knight is weird. The game starts with you, a bug, entering a creepy and mysterious underground city. There is barely any bugs living in the town. You talk to the one bug thats there and he really doesn’t give you much of a clue of what is going on. Then you continue on and end up traveling deeper and deeper into an series of tunnels.

There are a lot of enemies to fight. There are so many things to find. Hollow Knight might be weird, but its wonderfully weird. I’m loving this game so far.

Hollow Knight’s graphics are amazing. It feel like you are playing an animated catoon. A really good animated cartoon! The game’s main characters, all the NPCS, enemies, and bosses have unique personalities. The whole world of Hollow Knight is so well put together.

And then there’s the gameplay. Hollow Knight is a Metroidvania, which invovles a lot of exploring, backtracking, jumping, fighting, and upgrading your character. I am a big fan of this style of game and Hollow Knight does it well.

There is so much to love about this game. It looks pretty great on the TV screen too. Though I prefer playing it in portable mode because its easier to read the dialogue and text in that mode. Either way you go, Hollow Knight is a stunning game.

If you haven’t downloaded Hollow Knight for the Nintendo Switch yet, I highly recommend you do it! This game is great.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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