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More Thoughts From Me E3 2019 Special Edition: Square Enix Rocks The House

I wasn’t sure what to expect with Square Enix’s conference. Yes, I knew they’d show Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Marvel’s Avengers. But what else would they show? Would Square Enix be the best conference yet or would they let us all down? I bet you can guess what I’m going to say!


Right away, Square Enix showed the Final Fantasy Remake. We saw footage, they talked about it, and best of all: we saw actual gameplay!

The new combat system for FF7 looks amazing. I love that its a combination of real time and menu. Thats like Kingdom Hearts in a way but with FF7, you have to build up a gauge in order to use the menu. You can also use a quick menu for your powers but personally, I want to use that full menu! That looked so cool.

The big Scorpion robot fight was the highlight of the gameplay footage. Jaw dropping.

Also, in the last trailer, we finally Tifa! Oh man. I can not wait to play this game.

After FF7, Square Enix did not let its fans down. They showed a bunch of games, everything from first person shooters, to turn-based rpgs, to action rpgs, to Dragon Quest Builders 2.

I know I’m going to forget some games here, but I want to highlight the things that really jumped out at me.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 looks even better than the first game. Bigger, with better graphics and even online multiplayer. Theres going to be a demo for it on the Playstation 4 at the end of this month. I will be downloading the heck out of that. (edit: the demo will be available later this month for Switch too. Yeah, I’ll be downloading it there)

Dragon Quest 11 S for the Nintendo Switch was shown and I just want that game right now. The pixel art for the 2D graphics looks so good. However the 3D graphics still look very impressive on the Switch. I need this game. Yes, I played the game on the PS4. I still need it on the Switch.

I was also impressed by Square Enix shadow dropping The Last Remnant for Nintendo Switch tonight. That was a total Nintendo move!

What else?! Well Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was shown too. I was surprised by that. The game does look good.

Two Saga games were shown off but I don’t think they were listed for Switch. They are coming to the PS4 though. (edit: just found out these are coming to Switch too. Awesome)

Oh but my favorite moment of Square Enix’s conference came when the Final Fantasy 8 remastered rumor turned out to be true! FF8 is coming to all the systems! Yes, FF8 on Nintendo Switch. FINALLY! I am so happy. I can’t wait to play that again. Its coming in 2019!

Finally, Marvel’s Avengers was shown. No gameplay was featured, a disappointment to be sure, but the cutscenes looked fantastic. I also like that new content is going to be added a lot and it won’t cost extra. Thats great!

I’d say the only mistep in the entire conference was when Square Enix showed off their mobile games. Ugh. Otherwise, what a great conference.

Square Enix is the conference to beat now. Will the Nintendo Direct tomorrow beat it or will Square Enix hold the crown for this E3?

We’ll find out tomorrow! I am so nervous.


More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Square Enix rocks!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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