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More Thoughts From Me E3 2019 Special Edition: Good Job Nintendo!

Nintendo had their E3 Nintendo Direct today. How did they do? What did they show? Here are my thoughts on Nintendo’s E3 2019 Direct!



For me, the showing of Animal Crossing (or not) was the make it or break it moment. And they showed it!

However, the game isn’t coming out till 2020. That was a major disappointment in my house. We really wanted this game THIS YEAR. sigh.

Otherwise though, the game looked incredible. It was very different from New Leaf. This time you live on a desert island. Also new elements like a path maker, outdoor furniture, and pole vaulting were shown off. Wow. I have to see that footage again. The game is called Animal Crossing New Horizons. Love that title!

Other than that, two Smash Bros DLC characters: the hero from Dragon Quest 11 S and Banjo! Pretty cool reveals too.

Dragon Quest 11 S was shown off and it looks amazing on the Switch. I especially can’t wait to play the game in 2D mode.

More Resident Evil games: Resident Evil 5 and 6 are coming to the Switch. Hey, we’re getting closer to RE7. lol.

And there were a bunch other interesting things: like the fantastic Link’s Awakening footage, cool new Luigi’s Manison 3 gameplay, and you know what: a sequel to Breath of the Wild was revealed!

I think that Nintendo did a good job overall. I don’t think they topped last nights Square Enix conference but I was pretty happy with what was shown. Well, expect that Animal Crossing delay…

I’d say that Square Enix “won” this E3.

Heck, they even had some reveals in the Nintendo Direct: two Mana games! A single one and Mana Collection.

What did you think? How did Nintendo do? Who “won” E3 for you?

Either tomorrow or Thursday: More thoughts on Animal Crossing: New Horizons!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. You know, you can always change your mind about Animal Crossing for 2020 Nintendo…


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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