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More Thoughts From Me #175: The Switch Will Be Lucky Soon

During E3, most of my attention was on Animal Crossing. Would Nintendo show the new game? Once they did, I couldn’t stop thinking about New Horizons. That said, I did notice that there were other good looking games at E3 too. On Nintendo Indie day, several games jumped out at me. The game I liked the most that day was New Super Lucky’s Tale. And now I want to tell you why I can’t wait to play this game!

Super Lucky’s Tale was an Xbox One exclusive. I never played it because I don’t have that system. But thankfully, Microsoft and Nintendo are on good terms and Microsoft is starting to bring some of its indie games to the Switch. One such game is Super Lucky’s Tale, now called New Super Lucky’s Tale!

During Nintendo’s last day of their Nintendo Treehouse, New Super Lucky’s Tale was shown off. I thought that the game looked fantastic.

New Super Lucky’s Tale is a platformer in the vain of Super Mario 64 or more recently Yooka-Layee. The main character, Lucky, is very three dimensional and so are the environments he visits. And so are the wonderful allies, enemies, and puzzles that he encounters too! New Super Lucky’s Tale looks really well designed.

In the demo that we saw during the Treehouse, a unique area was shown off. This area is brand new to the game (not in the Xbox version). Lucky visits a world populated by talking worms. These worms are about to have a festival. There’s one problem though, the band thats playing at the festival is missing. Here’s where Lucky comes in! Our hero must find all the band members and get them back to the stage for their performance.

As you might have guessed, New Super Lucky’s Tale has a lot of humor. My favorite moment was seeing the different band member’s get to the stage and show off a little bit. Its also really neat when all three get together and perform a little ditty. It is both humorous and incredibly charming.

New Super Lucky’s Tale looks like it’ll have the same charm and wonder that was found so recently in Playtonic’s Yooka-Layee. The gameplay looks fun too.

I think this game will be one to keep an eye on. I look forward to checking out New Super Lucy’s Tale sometime this year.

Are you looking forward to New Super Lucky’s Tale? What was your favorite moment from the E3 demo?

Next week: Link’s Awakening is coming out in September. I’m pretty excited for this game! Next week I’ll talk about the orignal Link’s Awakening and the remake. Why am I looking forward to this game so much?

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Here’s hoping New Super Lucky’s Tale does great on the Switch!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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