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Sony and Microsoft Taking Different Approaches on Next Gen

Twitter could possibly be the most toxic place on the internet for most things, and video games are not immune to that either. The number of fanboys who attempt to validate their video games console preferences grows daily, and it’s further proof of how pathetic people can be. Xbox fans bash Sony fans because we haven’t received a ton of PS5 details. PS4 fans bash Xbox fans for, well…almost anything and everything. But the different approaches to next gen for both companies make a ton of sense, and when you assess them rationally, stupid comments about why one is and one isn’t going all in with details should be put aside, because it’s all pretty simple.


Off the top, I think it’s important for me to point out that for my entire life, I’ve been an Xbox guy – in fact, my first PlayStation was (regrettably) the PS4. Why do I play Xbox? It’s where my friends are and where my family is. That being said, I can readily admit that Microsoft has not had the best generation with Xbox One. Where there great games? Of course, and many that might have review poorly were still fan favorites with Xbox fans. But I can easily say that between Microsoft and Sony, the better exclusives, at least in a single player arena, resided on the PS4. And they are still churning them out.

So now we get to the next generation. As we just recently posted about, Sony is about to lay out their plans for next generation on June 4th.

Has Microsoft had a crazy head start on next generation announcements? Of course they have, and for good reason. With Xbox Game Pass providing players with dozens of fantastic titles, I believe – and honestly understand if so – that Microsoft believes they can abandon the current generation and focus solely on what is to come. Microsoft is looking for a bounce-back generation for Xbox, and the best way forward for them was to get the details out, get people talking, and be fully prepared for the console launch later this year.

Sony has taken a different route, which is also incredibly understandable. The company is still selling PS4 units like crazy, and have a number of great exclusive titles coming down the pipe yet, including the much anticipated The Last of Us 2! It was important for Sony to focus on that title, and others, before dropping Ps5 bombs on media and fans alike. And I think they’ve done a great job. They’ve propped up their upcoming titles first, and are focusing on next generation second, as it should be.

Microsoft and Sony have taken different paths for a very good reasons, none of which should be fuel for any fanboy war. These are business decisions; trust me, they don’t come down to “Xbox has no games” or “Sony has nothing good to show about next generation.” That just isn’t the case.



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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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