Online Gaming A Money Making Options
The popularity of eSports has more and more people looking towards making money online.While some have worked to compete for their share of the video game money pool, others have turned to other persuits, such as doing YouTube and or playing some of the best online games to get money. Whatever way people are going, the end goal always seems to be about the money!
This isn’t bad, per se, but the get rich quick scheme that many have when they think about making money on games is a farce. Your odds of winning in online betting games is probably better than your odds of striking it rich as a YouTube sensation. So what should you be aiming for when trying to make money from video games and eSports? Do what you love, not what others want.

Online card games for money is the perfect example of how you should approach being a YouTuber. Those playing cards – or hell, even pulling the arm on a slot machine – didn’t instantly go for the big whale. They played free games for months, if not years, attempting to perfect their timing, or in the case of Poker, their ability to outwit and outwait their opponents. They worked at their craft, perfected their game, and then tackled the larger prize.
This is easily relatable to YouTube. Those expecting to make big dollars in their first month, let alone their first year, are kidding themselves. Very rarely is a YouTube star or an eSports star created overnight. Those at the top of the game – Ninja, Boogie, and more – have all put in the time, effort, and financial resources to get where they needed to be. And they began by playing the games that they loved, for a variety of reasons.
First, doing what you want to do will translate into you being more invested in that experience. You will feel it, your fans will feel it, and you’ll be able to create an image of yourself online that doesn’t feel forced or fake.
Secondly, you need to invest in yourself. Get good quality equipment so people can easily understand you and so you are pumping out a stream that is at least at 720p. You don’t need the best, but you do need something that is adequate. When your fans see you investing in yourself, they are more likely to invest in you.

Finally, perfect your craft, learn from your mistakes, watch others work, and be prepared to accept the criticism that comes along with putting yourself online. While some comments will be negative, just for the sake of being negative, others will give valuable input that can make your experience, and that of your viewers, more enjoyable.
There is no get rich quick scheme to online video games. eSports stars play for years, perfecting their game. Online Poker Players and those betting online spend years learning the games just to get that one big payday. And YouTubers have to put in years before sometimes getting recognized. If you aren’t willing to invest the time, you cannot expect a payout.