With a viewing of the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie fresh in my mind, I kicked backed this weekend with the first episode of Telltale’s latest adventure title…Guardians of the Galaxy, and my first few hours with this new series was top notch. Through great writing and some decent exploration and puzzle solving, I was watching the credit roll on Episode 1 way sooner than I had wanted. Thankfully, I know there is more to come.

Those unfamiliar with the Guardians of the Galaxy story might feel a bit thrown off early, as the game throws you into battle almost right away. You will learn the characteristics of the characters in an unconventional way, but it won’t take you long to realize one thing: sarcasm abounds, and Rocket Raccoon is the best. Like most Telltale games, Guardians of the Galaxy does feel like a movie for most of the 2 hour adventure, but certain ‘point and click’ moments really slow down the pace of the game while you attempt to figure out which aspect of the environment you are meant to click on. This can take significant amounts of time unless your lucky enough to zero in on your target right away. If you can’t, get ready for the most frustrating element of this first episode.

After a short – or potentially long – bit of searching, you’ll be thrown into a battle with Thanos himself. Longtime Telltale fans will know what to expect from the button specific attack maneuvers you will carry out, but new fans might find the sequences a bit juvenile. The sooner you realize that this is how Telltale does battle sequences, the better the game will be for you. Quickly pressing the correct button appearing on screen will land a blow from one of the Guardians on Thanos. It doesn’t take long to finish the fight, which is a feature of a Telltale series: in most cases, you’re never kept somewhere to long.

The character progression is pretty good throughout, but like all Telltale games, you often will wonder if your decisions actually affect the outcome in any meaningful way. Tensions begin to mount between the Guardians, especially once you begin siding with some Guardians on important decisions over others. You hope these actions will have great consequences, but we won’t know until a few episodes down the line.
Overall, Episode 1 gets the Guardians of the Galaxy Telltale series off on the right foot, and I cannot wait to engage with the next episode when it goes live. We give this first episode an 8.0/10!
Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.
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