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Thank You Reggie Fils-Aime!

Today is Reggie Fils-Aime’s last day at Nintendo of America. Reggie was the President of Nintendo America. He had that job since 2003. The 2004 E3 was the first time he appeared at the convention. As he leaves office today, looks back at the man and some of his greatest moments.

“My Body Is Ready”

Reggie Fils-Aime has been the public face (and President) of Nintendo of America since 2003. In that time, Reggie has been on the E3 stage and lead Nintendo through rough times (Wii U) and amazing times (Wii, Switch).

Perhaps the thing he’s most well known for, besides his “My Body is Ready” quote, is his appearances in Nintendo Directs.

One of my favorite E3 Nintendo Directs had Reggie and Iwata “fighting” Smash Bros style. I can’t remember who won, so I’ll just say it was Reggie.

I also loved the time when Reggie became The Regginator! This video (seen above) was made as an introduction to Nintendo’s E3 plans that year. The concept of the video: a smart fan creates a robot that looks like Reggie and infiltrates Nintendo America to find out about Nintendo’s E3 plans. It was really fun video.

Another reason I like Reggie: he was a big Animal Crossing fan! He often talked about how much he played New Leaf. I wonder if he’ll play the new game on Switch. Its too bad he won’t be at E3 this year to introduce the game!

Reggie has appeared in so many Nintendo Directs and stage appearances of the years. It would be impossible to talk about them all. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ll really miss Reggie. He always made talking about games fun.

Doug Bowser will be taking over Reggie’s job as of tomorrow. Reggie Fils-Aime, meanwhile, joined twitter today. You can follow him @Reggie!

What are your favorite memories of Reggie’s time at Nintendo of America?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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