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Shadows of Adam Will Be Available for Nintendo Switch Pre-Load This Week

Shadows of Adam, an indie rpg inspired by SNES jrpgs, will be available for pre-load via the Nintendo Switch eshop on Friday!

Shadows of Adam is an indie rpg that looks a lot like an SNES jrpg from the good ol’ days. The game will be coming to the Nintendo Switch eshop on May 3rd. If you want to buy it sooner though, you can pre-purchase/pre-load it this Friday (4/26). Of course, you’ll still have to wait till May 3rd to play the game!

There will be a 10% discount during the pre-load phase. The game cost $13.49 USD.

Visually, Shadows of Adam looks like Final Fantasy 6. I’m very impressed with its graphics. I also think its battle system looks like a lot of fun. I love turn-based rpgs!

Shadows of Adam looks like it’ll be a can’t miss game for fans of the rpg genre. What do you think of the game?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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