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Reminder: Nintendo Direct Today At 5pm Central

There will be a Nintendo Direct today at 5pm central. You can check out my final predictions for today’s Direct below.


What will Nintendo show during today’s Nintendo Direct (other than ARMS and Splatoon 2 of course)?

I made some predications before, but here are a few more things that may or may not be shown:

NIS America tweeted about the Nintendo Direct today. Its possible that Disgaea 5 Complete, which is coming to the Nintendo Switch next month, will be shown during the Direct. NIS is also supposed to bring Culdcept Revolt and RPG Maker to the 3DS this summer. So either one or both of those games could be shown too.

Dragon Quest XI for 3DS got a Japanese release date recently. Could it be shown during today’s Direct? The chance of this is not very high. Modern Dragon Quest games tend to take forever to come to the U.S and usually the fans have to beg Square Enix to bring the game to the west first.

Nintendo Russia leaked a Mario Kart 8 Nintendo Switch bundle on their website. We might get that bundle over here too. I doubt it will be $299 though. My guess is that the bundle will be $350.

And finally…Earthbound 3? Keep dreaming. I know I will.

Of course, knowing Nintendo, there will definitely be some surprises with this Direct. Will it be any of the above or something totally different? Let us know what you think in the comments!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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