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More Thoughts From Me #167: Not Feeling the Mario Maker 2 Hype

I loved Super Mario Maker and after that game came out, I wasn’t sure how Nintendo would ever be able to do another 2D Mario game again. And now we getting Super Mario Maker 2 and for the moment, I’m not hyped. What would to take to get me excited for this game? Lets talk about Super Mario Maker 2 for the Nintendo Switch!


Super Mario Maker 2 was announced during the last Nintendo Direct. And it looked great. The new improvements, so far, are pretty neat. I especially like the addition of slopes! And yet, I don’t feel hyped for it. A new and improved Super Mario Maker on the portable Switch and I’m feeling less than hyped?! Whats wrong with me?

While Super Mario Maker 2 does look great, it seems to lack the spark of the first game. With the Super Mario Maker, it was fresh and new and exciting. Wow, you could make your own Mario levels! And yes, its great to see improvements and I’m sure people will create even better levels with this one. But, there seems to be something missing with Super Mario Maker 2. There isn’t a hook yet to this game that makes it a true sequel. What we’ve seen so far could have easily been added to the first game as DLC. There has to be something that makes this game a true sequel.

So what would I need to be hyped about this game? I feel like we need to see more of Super Mario Maker 2. What makes it special? Are there new tricks in the creation mode?

I think Super Mario Maker 2 needs to allow you to create connected levels with a classic Mario world map. This second game should allow you to create your own games. It should be about creating full Mario games, if you want to. You could still just create one level and leave it at that. However the scope of Super Mario Maker 2 needs to be huge or else, why bother? Just to have Super Mario Maker on the Switch? Why not just do a port of the first game like they’ve done with a lot of other games?

Of course, Splatoon 2 turned out great and it wasn’t totally different from the first game. At least, at first. The new story DLC has added something pretty special to that game.

Maybe I’m over thinking Super Mario Maker 2. Maybe just creating more Mario levels with better tools will lead to a true sequel. It might be best not to overcomplicate things.

I think I could get hyped for Super Mario Maker 2. Even if it doesn’t massively  change some things. Still. I feel like there might be more to this game then we know. At least, I hope there is.

What do you think of Super Mario Maker 2? Are you hyped for it?

Next week: Playstation Plus. I’ve had the service since late last year and I wanna talk about it. What’s good about it? What’s bad about it? How can it improve? And will I be keeping it when its time to renew?

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Super Mario Odyssey is my all-time favorite Mario game!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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