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More Thoughts From Me #166: Too Many Sswitch Games in April

What do Steamworld Quest, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Cuphead, Final Fantasy 12, and Darksiders Warmastered Edition all have in common? They are all coming to (or already out on) the Nintendo Switch this month!! April is a crazy month for the Nintendo Switch. What are the games I’m looking forward to, what are the games I’ll have skip, and should we expect any more surprise games for this month?!


April is here and there are…way too many games coming to the Nintendo Switch. This column probably won’t even cover half of them. There are a ton of indies headed our way this month too.

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition came out last week. I was lucky enough to get a review copy of this game and might even have a review this week.

And there there’s next week: Final Fantasy X and X-2 will be out on April 16th. I’m hoping to review these games but if not, I will get them sooner or later. Its doubtful that I’ll get them on the 16th though.

One game I may get on the 18th would be Cuphead! This game looks amazing. I love the graphics and the gameplay looks tough but fun too.

Later in the month, April 25th, Steamworld Quest will be out. Image and Form, the developers, are awesome. The Steamworld games are a ton of fun and you should check out the current ones if you haven’t already. Are you looking forward to Steamworld Quest?

Final Fantasy 12 comes out at the end of the month. This is another game I hope to review. If not, I will wait till the game goes on sale later on to grab it.

One game I know I’ll have to skip this month is the new Boxboy game! Yes, thats coming out this month too. And since I’m not a Nintendo Labo or VR fan, I’ll definitely be skipping the Labo VR kit this month too.

But as I hinted earlier, these are not the only games coming this month. Just go to the Nintendo Switch eshop and you’ll see a ton of indie games that are coming, like My Time in Portia for instance (which looks great but I’ll probably miss).

Oh and I do think we’ll be in for some surprises this month. Not likely from Nintendo but there will be some indie games that we don’t know about that’ll want our attention too. You can count on it!

April is such a crazy month for the Nintendo Switch. Are you looking forward to any of the games I mentioned above?

Next week: Super Mario Maker 2 is coming in June. I loved the first game. But so far, I’m only sort of excited for the second one. What would get me excited for this game? I’ll talk about improvements and additions to Super Mario Maker 2 that wold make me run out and get the game asap.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. So many games! Whew.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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