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More Thoughts From Me #114: The Alliance Is Alive

Not too long ago, I wrote about Legend of Legacy for the 3DS. I liked the game but didn’t love it. And now the developers that brought Legend of Legacy to us has made another game. This game is called The Alliance Alive and its also for the 3DS. Is it better than Legend of Legacy? Will rpg fans want to play it? Here are my impressions so far of The Alliance Alive.


The Alliance Alive for 3DS is totally addictive. I’m a huge rpg fan and I really love this game so far.

The battle system in The Alliance Alive is a lot like Legend of Legacy’s, which is more than ok with me because I thought that was the best part of Legend of Legacy. What makes The Alliance Alive so addictive though is just how much there is to do in the game!

Like all traditional rpgs, you have a turn-based battle system in The Alliance Alive, though this game also has a massive world to explore, tons of secrets, places that you build and recruit people to be in them, vehicles to find and ride in, lots of weapons and ablities, and a very good story with fun characters. This game has all the good parts of Legend of Legacy and everything (and more) that Legacy was missing.

I have a lot of hours on this game but nowhere near forty some hours, which is what I heard this game has. I’m sure with all the side quests, leveling to do, and other stuff, the game is probably more than forty hours. I’m so happy to have a brand new rpg for the 3DS that is this big and this good.

If you’re a turn-based rpg fan, you should definitly go out and get The Alliance Alive. There is so much to like about this game. I have no idea if this game will end up being an all-time classic rpg, but I do know that the game is a lot of fun and as I mentioned before, really addictive.

Have you played The Alliance Alive? If not, there is a demo on the eshop to check out. Warning though, it only gives you a brief taste of what the actual game is like! If you like it, then you should play the full game. Its awesome!

Next week: I’ll talk about Lego Worlds for the Nintendo Switch. I got the game on sale recently. What do I think of it? You’ll find out next week.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. My favorite The Alliance Alive character is pictured at the beginning of this article. She is so cool!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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