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Kickstarter – The Unofficial amiibo Handbook

About a week ago, I was looking through Twitter as I do each morning and stumbled across a post from a friend detailing a brand new Kickstarter campaign for the Unofficial amiibo handbook. I had it backed within a few minutes of reading the opening paragraph of the campaign. Here is the link if you want to check it out!


Here is a bit more directly from the campaign:

That’s where this little handbook comes in. With 208 amiibo currently obtainable via commercial means, it’s a little compendium showcasing every single one of the little plastic (well, more resin really… some are wool!) recreations of some of the finest video game characters that have ever existed. Whether you intend to collect every single one, select ones or certain franchises, The Unofficial amiibo Handbook will have you covered, with excerpts for each character packed with information and fun facts. There’s even approximate pricing should you wish to purchase them today.


If you are a fan of amiibo, I feel like this handy dandy book is a must own. With a few different tiers to get excited about, it’s hard not to back this project. Many fans are already backing their copy as the campaign has already raised over 45,000 CAD of its 5,200 CAD goal! That is pretty impressive, and as more and more people back the project, the creator is adding new stuff. But who is this creator?

Here is more about the writer, Paul, from the campaign page:

Published under the Ninty Media branding, The Unofficial amiibo Handbook is completely written by Paul Murphy as his debut book. Paul has long been a huge Nintendo fan, and as well as creating Ninty Fresh Magazine and Switch Player Magazine, also happens to own every single amiibo. Well, the ones available via retail. Nobody really counts the exclusive golden ones that Capcom gave away in competitions. It has always been Paul’s dream to write a book and it’s quite fitting that something that started out of curiosity with a few Breath of the Wild characters culminated in something tangible after four years of collecting. The handbook is being designed by long-time Ninty Media Art Editor, Jhonatan Carneiro and is vibrant and colourful throughout. It’s a proper book, we’ve applied for an ISBN number and everything and this will be the first print edition. Surely you want a first edition of someone’s first book?


Want to know more? Just click the link above and explore a campaign I know you’ll want to invest in!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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