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Injustice 2 – Introducing Joker! (Video)

The Injustice 2 video reveals continue! This time we are getting a look at the Joker! Take a look at the video and let us know what you think. Is the Crown prince the fighter for you?

Batman’s main villain, the Joker, looks to be holding his own in this video. I’m not sure how he can beat up Superman but he does! And look at that Robin fight!! Whoa.

Need even more Injustice 2 footage before May 16th? Then you should be watching the live Injustice 2 stream that’s going on right now for it!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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