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How To Pick Your Slots Machine

Picking the right slots machine can mean the difference between winning big and winning nothing. With a little forethought, you can make all the difference with your gambling odds.


It’s not as simple as picking the brightest looking logo or the biggest payout. Those things can definitely be misleading.

Instead, a little bit of maths can make the most attractive looking online slot machine look completely unwinnable.

The Best Online Slots

The best way of improving your odds over a long time is to pick the right slot machine right from the get go.

That means doing your research as soon as possible. You need the right combination of volatility, cash return, limits, and bonuses. Of course, checking slots reviews can help to make this process slightly simpler.

By definition, you’re never going to win at slot machines every single time. There’s an element of chance and that means there’s a chance you’ll lose. But by managing how you play, you have a much better chance.


The first and most obvious thing to keep in mind – as with all gambling – is to limit the amount you put into the system. Improving your current odds can be as simple as reducing the amount of money you actually put into the machines.

The first statistic you should look at is the return to player. This is the number of payouts based on a huge amount of uses of that given machine. Now, granted, individually you could lose just as much on one machine as on any other. But a higher return to player percentage means you know that you might get something. Over a large group, a higher return to player means more payouts, and that means a better chance for you.

The easiest way of finding out the return to player is to Google it. The name of the slot machine plus “+return to player” should be enough to get the information you need.

Vitality and Slots

It’s easy to think that all slot machines are basically the same, with different graphics in place to make them look dissimilar. That’s not true, and it’s an easy trap to fall into.

On top of return to player, you also need to pay attention to a game’s volatility or variance. The volatility of a slot machine game measures the risk involved in playing a particular slot for real money.

Low volatility means you’re more likely to win, but the payout will be lower. High volatility is harder to get the jackpot on, but you’ll get more money when you win.

While there’s not really a definitive better option, one will almost certainly suit you more than others. You have to be really patient for a high volatility game, and you need to have more money to burn through before the machine finally pays off.

If that sounds like your idea of nightmare, go with the low vitality option. You’ll win less money, but you’ll have more fun.


You can’t game the system when it comes to slots, but you can maximize your chances. Be clever – do your research, and never pay more than you can afford.

With a little time, you’ll be going into a game open-eyed, and ready to win.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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