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Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Launch Date Trailer

Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster series has a release date for the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4! Check out the launch date trailer below.

The Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters have a release date for console! The games will be coming to the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch on April 19th, 2023. This month!

As a Final Fantasy fan, I have to say that I’m extremely excited for the launch of these games. The Switch launch is especially exciting. To play these games in handheld mode! Wow. Though its very cool they will be coming out for the PS4 too.

Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite of the games and that one has been enhanced even further than the other games. There are HD-2D sequences in FF6. So can’t wait to see those!

Its also very cool that the games will have new features like turning random encounters on and off (wow) and other cool features like getting more gil and experience. Game changers!

Thank you to Square Enix for bringing these games to the PS4 and Switch. Will you be picking them up?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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