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CS:GO Is Getting the Source 2 Engine Update

CS:GO was released in 2012 on the Source engine. Although CS:GO is still one of the most popular games in the world, it’s starting to lose ground to other first-person shooters.


According to reports, Valve wants to keep CS:GO as the best first-person shooter by updating its engine to Source 2.

Source 2 engine was announced in 2015, and Dota 2 was the first game to start using it.

Valve allows the use of the game engine for free as long as the game that is created is published on Valve’s Steam platform.

There were no official statements to CS:GO and the Source 2 engine update, but we have tweets from Nors3, a CS:GO community member who claimed this:


Reading more into his tweets, he explains what is new in Source 2, and that the “2 months” is a gamble statement. We should keep it at the year 2020.


To read all of his tweets, you can check his Twitter profile.

What Does This Mean for the CS:GO Community?

The CS:GO community is growing rapidly. According to steam charts, the number of peak players has doubled in the last 30 days compared to March of 2019. The Source 2 engine update would be significant to keep people invested in the game and to bring more people to the game.

People love CS:GO, and they love the professional scene. One way they stay invested in the scene is by watching and csbet on CS:GO matches.

Additionally, if no tournaments and professional matches are being played, the community loves CS GO opening cases to get amazing skins for their weapons. A great website to do so is, where you can quickly log in with your Steam account and start opening cases.
If you want to get a particular weapon, you can open cases that only contain those weapons. For example, an AK-47 case can have any of the 22 skins listed in it. You can’t get any other gun.


You purchase coins and Open CS:GO Cases with them. Skins fall out randomly, and as soon as you get one, you can sell it or add it to your Steam inventory.

A special table to see the probability of dropping out a particular skin can be found in every case.


With the current events of the Coronavirus, all tournaments are canceled, and Valve has time to prepare Source 2 for CS:GO.

You, the reader, might be like most people, staying home in self-isolation to keep the virus from spreading. This leaves you with plenty of time to play CS:GO, open cases, and keep yourself occupied while making the best of your time.


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