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Secret Lab Titan Stealth Gaming Chair Review

With a multitude of gaming chair companies scattered around the globe, it’s often hard to decide which chair will be the best fit for you. For many, it comes down to the price you pay, but that doesn’t always paint a clear picture on which is the best. For example, if you have to buy two sub-par chairs for 299.99 each over a 10 year period, but only one quality chair for 499.99 in that same span, the choice seems very obvious. Secret Lab is definitely on the higher end of the gaming chair price spectrum, but the quality components, fantastic seats, and so much more make the additional financial commitment completely worth it.


Right out of the gate, let’s discuss this pricing issue. It’s a shame to call it an issue, because it frankly isn’t. But when compared to other gaming chair companies, Secret Lab is pricing themselves much higher than others. At 499.99 CAD, this Prime 2.0 PU Leather chair comes in over $200 more expensive than other gaming chairs we have reviewed this year. Before diving into the finer details of this chair, however, I want to share a little anecdote.

Back in late 2017, we reviewed our first ever gaming chairs, and had the opportunity to get it within a few weeks of reviewing two other chairs from separate companies. The Secret Lab chair was the most expensive by far. These chairs were all received roughly 3.5 years ago. One of those three chairs no longer exists, as the frame was completely shattered within the first two years, and it went out to the garbage. The second chair is still kicking at my brothers house, but it has seen better days. The plastic components are cracked throughout, the chair stitching is slowly coming apart, and many of the mechanical features (up-down lever, back lever) no longer function correctly. When this Titan Stealth arrived a few weeks ago, I touched base with my other reviewer over Facetime to see how his Secret Lab chair from 2017 was holding up. The first words out of his mouth were, “Still looks brand new.”

That chair has been sat in for hours per day, for the past 3.5 years, and the owner is telling me, “Still looks brand new.” That’s why you pay the extra money for a Secret Lab chair, and if you take nothing else away from this review, please take away this. The extra cost is well worth the product you receive.

Where other companies are using plastic components, Secret Lab is using metal. Where other companies are providing generic instructions that may-or-may not be appropriate for the chair you are building, Secret Lab is giving you everything you need. While most (almost all) companies are providing you with a lumbar pillow, Secret Lab is providing you with lumbar support, and a dedicated knob to adjust that support. Everything about the Secret Lab chair screams premium, and I’m so glad to have on in my life.

When you look to purchase your first chair, Secret Lab is great at suggesting which model – based on your height and weight – might be best suited for you. It’s a great way to start your buying process, understanding that the larger chairs are not necessarily more fully featured, but are adjusted for specific heights and weights. If the smallest Secret Lab chair works for you, make that purchase. You get the same great features as you would in larger chairs.

Once your chair arrives, you’ll be impressed with how easy assembly is. Generally I’ve found that gaming chairs are not easy to put together on your own, but I was able to put the Titan together in 20 minutes all on my own. I can easily pinpoint the difference. Attaching the back of the chair to the seat is always the most frustrating part of putting together a gaming chair, but Secret Lab makes it easy by having one solid connection arm which handles the tilt of the chair, and one fluid connection arm on the other side that can easily be moved. Once you’ve screwed the solid connection arm into the site of the chair, finishing up the other side is as easy as positioning the arm and screwing in the bolts. It’s a small touch, perhaps, but one that makes a world of difference during the building process.


While there are a few plastic components on the chair, the majority of what matters – namely the frame and supports – are all made of solid metal. I’ve bent and broken other chairs in the past as I’m a bit heftier in nature, but I never have that issue sitting in the Titan. The support is magnificent, and that quality extends to every other aspect of the chair. Here is a bit from the website on the armrests. Yes, they go nuts on their website about armrests because they are so damn fantastic:

Support your wrists and elbows with the new Secretlab 4D armrests, featuring a full-metal internal mechanism for greater durability and superb ease of movement. With the ability to shift them left, right, angled left, angled right, forward, backward, up and down, smoothly slide each armrest into the exact position you need to reduce the risk of carpal tunnel. Each armrest is topped by plush, concave PU padding, comfortably supporting your elbows and ensuring they stay in place.

And we haven’t even touched on all the little things that makes this chair so special. Complete aluminum wheel base, built specifically to provide structure and stability. Class 4 heavy-duty KGS gas pistons — “the best-in-class for consistency, stability, and safety.” And when it comes to the wheels? No cheap plastic hear, but instead PU Caster Wheels that will glide over most surfaces with ease, with no worries of cracking.

You’ll pay a premium to sit in a Secret Lab chairs, but our experience with our 2017 chair and our 2021 chair has been phenomenal. While we cannot comment on the SoftWeave Fabric or the NAPA leather chairs at this point and time, we hope to have that oppertunity soon. But if you want the Prime PU Leather – you won’t be making a bad decision.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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