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Protect Your Heart From Enemy Attacks in Deltarune Chapter 1 for Nintendo Switch

I had heard about Undertale for awhile but I had never played the game until it came to Nintendo Switch. I liked the game and its oddball humor. So when a new game from the same developer was announced I was interested. Of course, making the first chapter free to download and play made me want the game even more. Deltarune is the name of the game and I checked it out. Is it as good as Undertale?


I haven’t finished Deltarune Chapter 1 yet but so far, I really like it!

Deltarune has some similarities in graphics and gameplay to Undertale, but everything from the graphics to the gameplay has been improved.

In Deltarune, you start off the game by creating your own character…and then having that character thrown away! What?! Don’t worry, it’ll be important later.

The humor in Deltarune is very similar to Undertale: strange, odd, and sometimes dark. The game’s story is also just as mysterious as Undertale’s was.

Then there’s the graphics, which are far more detailed than Undertale. Deltarune is a 16-bit rpg compared to Undertale’s 8-bit rpg.

And the same goes for Deltarune’s battle system. In Undertale, the battles were first person and you didn’t see your party. However in Deltarune, the party is on the left and the enemy is on the right. The interface looks very similar to an rpg from the SNES, like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 6.

That said, the heart from Undertale returns and you must protect it from enemy attacks! The heart avoidance is the big thing that links Undertale and Deltarune. Its also the aspect that makes Deltarune totally different from any 16-bit rpg I ever played.

I like the battle system a lot and I like the odd heart avoidance mini-game too. The game’s story and graphics are also really good too. Deltarune Chapter 1 is absolutely an rpg that you check out if you like the genre. Hey, its free! Its also really fun. I’d say that this game is better than Undertale. I’m looking forward to finishing it and hopefully checking out future chapters.

Have you played Deltarune Chapter 1 yet? What do you think of it?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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