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More Thoughts From Me: South of Midnight Strikes Soon

At the end of last year, I wrote about my most anticipated games of 2025 and South of Midnight was number one on the list. That hasn’t changed! Why am I so excited about this game?! Let’s talk about it.

South of Midnight is brand new IP: a single player action/adventure game set in the south with a black female protagonist, mystical creatures and music inspired by the South. This game looks and sounds unlike any other game.

I’ve seen a lot of gameplay footage for South of Midnight, along with story moments and of course heard the music. I love how the game is totally different from anything else we’ve seen: it brings in giant creatures and a South that’s kind of like what exists and kind of isn’t. South of Midnight stands on the edge of reality.

And I love that the game has a black female protagonist which is something we barely ever see in video games.  I love that we get to play as a unique character in a cool setting. The South is rarely seen in video games either.


Then there’s the music! South of Midnight brings in blues and jazz and they’ve created new songs that play when you face off against a mythic new enemy. Each song I’ve heard so far for the game is absolutely beautiful.

South of Midnight is such a unique experience. Its very rare for us to get new IP and even more rare for us to get a game that’s actually taking chances: focusing on a story with unique protagonist in a unique part of America, mixing myth and reality to create a story that’ll stand out among every other game coming out this year.

South of Midnight is, without a doubt, a game not to be missed. Its coming out on Day One for Xbox Game Pass. I’m so very excited to play this game!!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Is it April yet?!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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