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More Thoughts From Me #111: You Can Climb That Mountain…Maybe!

There are some games that are so hard that you just want to throw your controller or in the case of the Switch, your system, and give up games altogether. And then there are other games that are hard and yet you don’t want to give up on the game. These are hard, maybe a bit punishing at times, and very addictive. Celeste for the Nintendo Switch fits into that second catogory. Its a hard game. Its also a very addictive game. Let me tell you about it.


Celeste for the Nintendo Switch is a hard game. However, unlike some other hard games on the Switch, I haven’t felt like throwing my console. Thats not to say that Celeste can’t be frustrating, it sure can, but if I get too frustrated, I either quit or I get some help from assist mode.

You see, Celeste knows its a hard game. It wants to help you. Some gamers will refuse its help and just try to beat the game on their own. Other gamers, like me, will turn on assist mode. With this mode, players can get some extra help through hard portions of the game (and even skip some levels. I haven’t done that). You may say its cheating, I say its helpful and keeps me playing this game.

The player can turn off the assist options whenever he or she wants. This is very handy because some parts of the game are just insane. Celeste can be an evil video game. That said, it is also a good looking game, with an intersting story.

Celeste is a 2D game with an extremely nice graphical style. Not only that, but its story is interesting and all the cutscenes for the game are done with the in-game graphics. You will want to keep playing Celeste. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

I’m really enjoying Celeste. Yes, I “cheat” some and get some help. I don’t always get through the game like I’m “supposed to”. Whatever. I want to see where Celeste goes!

If you like platformers, you should get Celeste. This is a fun game, even if you have to bend the “rules” a little.

Have you played Celeste? If so, what do you think of it?

Next week: Ready Player One. I just read the book and the movie is coming out soon. Why should gamers care about the book and the movie? I’ll talk about both next week!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Now I want to go player some more Celeste.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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