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Explaining Gambling’s Relationship With Video Games

Over the last few years, many have expressed concern over gambling’s relationship with video games. From gambling within video games to infamous transactions, gambling and video games are closely related, but why are people so concerned about it all?

Gambling In Video Games

There are several modern-day video games that all feature gambling within the games. The games, most of which are aimed at an older audience over 18, include The Witcher 3, GTA V, Fallout: New Vegas, and Red Dead Redemption. In The Witcher 3, users can take control of Geralt and play and bend on the fictional game Gwent. Red Dead Redemption offers games similar to those in real-life such as blackjack and poker, while GTA V and Fallout: New Vegas both feature in-game casinos with various games.


The inclusion of gambling activities in these video games has sparked concern that the games are exposing young people to gambling. Since many underage people across the UK and the rest of the world still gain access to these games, they too are exposed to gambling. Others, however, have argued that there’s no risk since these in-game gambling activities do not allow to gamble for real money like in an online casino.

Loot Boxes

Video game loot boxes are also known for their close ties to gambling. Loot boxes are a mechanic in which players can purchase a loot box for additional rewards. However, the box’s contents cannot be seen until it has been purchased by the player, leading to uncertainty over what you receive in return. This has led MPs, parents and others to compare it to gambling due to the rate of change over each loot box’s contents.


The controversy surrounding loot boxes has heightened over the last few years. In the UK, the Gambling Commission, which is responsible for regulating all gambling in the nation, has stated that loot boxes cannot be regulated under current UK rules. Meanwhile, Belgium banned all loot boxes within the country, while many other countries have launched investigations into the mechanic.


Finally, eSports is a rising sport in which people compete against each other in video games, usually racing, football or other competitive games. The surge in popularity of eSports has led to an influx of betting on these events, tying the video game matches to gambling closely.

Most modern-day online bookmakers allow customers to wager on eSports games and there are regular large-scale tournaments which people can also wager on. Naturally, this has led many people to express concern over players participating in the events, as well as those who wager on eSports games and tournaments.


Gambling and video games have always been closely associated, but now more than ever. The outcry over their ties will continue and someday may effectively change the games industry. Right now, as hundreds of players flock to in-game casinos, wager on virtual casino games, and purchase loot boxes, gambling and video games will continue to associate with one another.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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