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Xbox One: Oceanhorn Demo Now Available’s Adam Roffel wrote a review of Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas awhile back. He liked the game a lot. And now, if you want to check out the game, you can download a demo of Oceanhorn on Xbox One!


Oceanhorn PR:

“we’re happy to announce the release of a FREE downloadable Oceanhorn demo, now available on Xbox One!  After the successful launch of Oceanhorn on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the game topped 1 Million units sold across all platforms. Oceanhorn is currently available on iPhone and iPad, Android, Apple TV, PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox. The game will be ported to even more platforms soon – including PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Switch.”

Not sure what Oceanhorn is about? Here’s what the press release we received said about it:

Explore the islands of Uncharted Seas, a world filled with many dangers, puzzles and secrets. Fight monsters, learn to use magic and discover ancient treasures which will help you on your quest. Use all your wits and skill to unravel the mysteries of ancient kingdom Arcadia and sea monster Oceanhorn.

Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas is a carefully crafted love letter to our favorite Action Adventures. With influences from the Zelda series (Nintendo), Final Fantasy and Seiken Densetsu (Square-Enix) the game combines captivating storytelling, breathtaking 3D visuals and exciting gameplay into one massive action adventure experience you will never forget.”

You can check out the demo of the game now if you have an Xbox One! I don’t have the system, so I’ll be waiting to check out Oceanhorn on Nintendo Switch eventually.

Have you played Oceanhorn?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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