Star Overdrive is available for Pre-order Now
Star Overdrive, an upcoming fast paced indie, is available for pre-order now on the Switch eshop. Check out the pre-order trailer and then come back here for our thoughts on the game.
In Star Overdrive, you use a hoverboard to explore an alien planet. The game is fast, as you sail across a beautiful alien landscape solving puzzles and finding new objects to upgrade your hoverboard. You also have a musical instrument that you use to battle enemies and solve puzles.
Star Overdrive looks like a ton of fun. I love the fast paced nature of it. It reminds me of a racing game, especially the Playstation 2 hidden gem Kinetica. I also love the graphics. WOW.
Star Overdrive is coming out on April 10th, 2025. You can pre-order it right now!