Nintendo Direct Announced for 2/13/19
On twitter today, Nintendo announced a Direct for tomorrow (2/13). Check out the tweet below for more details!
Tune in 2/13 at 2pm PT for a Nintendo Direct featuring around 35 minutes of information on upcoming #NintendoSwitch titles, including new details on #FireEmblem Three Houses!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) February 12, 2019
So we know that Fire Emblem Three Houses will be shown during the Direct but we have no idea what else will be shown. We do know that it’ll most likely only be Switch games though, unless there’s a duel Switch/3DS release in the mix. And with the video being around 35 mintues, we are looking at a pretty packed Nintendo Direct.
What do you want to see during the Nintendo Direct tomorrow? I’m hoping for Animal Crossing Switch!