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More Thoughts From Me #160: Where’s Animal Crossing Switch?!

During the last Nintendo Direct, Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch was not shown. Let me repeat that: Animal Crossing Switch was not shown! Just about everyone expected the game to be shown and Nintendo went and showed us almost everything else. So what’s going on with Animal Crossing Switch?


So why wasn’t Animal Crossing Switch shown during the last Nintendo Direct?

Well, Luigi’s Mansion and Pokemon for the Switch were not shown either. Pokemon is definitly not coming out until November. It always comes out in November. Luigi’s Manison is probably an October release (I’m just guessing). So…

Animal Crossing for the Switch will probably not come out until September at the earliest or December at the latest.

I have a bad feeling that the game might not come out until December. It looks like Nintendo teased Animal Crossing Switch a little too early. At least they didn’t tease it as early as last time..

Animal Crossing New Leaf for the 3DS was teased at the beginning of the 3DS life. Thats why I bought a 3DS. And then…I waited three years for the game to come out…

This time, Nintendo has confirmed that Animal Crossing for the Switch is coming out in 2019. I’m still very disappointed that the game was not shown during the last Nintendo Direct. But I’m still getting ready for it. In fact, I am so ready for it that I ordered a custom-made raccoon onesie from this site so I can channel my inner Tom Nook while playing the game.

As a huge Animal Crossing fan, all I wanted to see in the last Direct was Animal Crossing Switch. Thats it. For me, the Direct was mega disappointing.

We had a good Nintendo Direct this month. I wanted to love it. I would’ve loved it if Animal Crossing Switch had been shown.

Yes, I know that good things come to those who wait…but I don’t want to wait. We’ve already waited six years for another Animal Crossing. Its time. Please show us Animal Crossing Nintendo. Even just a screenshot or a tid bit of information to hold us over. Let us know that the title is real and is coming this year. Yeah, I have some trust issues.

Hopefully more information about the next Animal Crossing is right around the corner. I’m hoping we won’t have to wait until E3 for our first glimspe of it…but we might…

Were you disappointed that Animal Crossing Switch wasn’t shown during the last Nintendo Direct? When do you think Nintendo will show the game off?

Next Week: I’ll talk about 8-Bit Adventure Anthology Vol. 1 for the Playstation 4. The collection has three NES Adventure games: Univited, Shadowgate, and Deja Vu. I played these games on the NES and loved them. I’ll share my memories of them next week along with how it feels to be playing them again!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts presented here are mine and mine alone. Yes I still play Animal Crossing New Leaf. I still play my 3DS a lot.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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