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First Replica Pokeball in the Latest Series Now Available for Preorder

Move over die cast cars, there is a new collectible on the market, and it’s die cast too! Today, the Pokémon Company International announced the launch of a series of 4 replica, die cast Poké Balls that will be available for purchase soon, rotating through the various products. First up will be the replica Heat Ball, with the others coming at a later date. Preorders are available now.


Please see below for more information from the Pokémon Company International:

“The incredible response to The Wand Company’s first series of stunning Poké Ball replicas inspired us to release another premium range, featuring iconic Poké Balls that have appeared throughout the Pokémon franchise,” said Cindy Ruppenthal, senior director of e-commerce at The Pokémon Company International. “As Trainers of all ages have a huge passion for collecting, we look forward to delivering new Poké Ball replicas as a one-month exclusive on Pokémon Center.”

Here is what you can expect from the collectible series of Poké Balls:

The latest lineup comes on the heels of hugely popular replicas launched previously, including the iconic Poké Ball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Dusk Ball and Premier Ball. Trainers who haven’t collected these replicas yet will be able to do so when they become available again this year at Pokémon Center in the US and UK, as well as other participating retailers. Every Die-Cast Poké Ball Replica produced by The Wand Company comes with motion-sensing and multicolored lights, a uniquely numbered presentation case and a stainless steel ring to display the product.

These Poké Ball will be available at select retailers on multiple regions, although the 2-4th releases will be available exclusively at the Pokémon Centre stores a month prior to the worldwide, multiple retail release. Based on how hot the Pokémon franchise is right now, these are going to sell like hotcakes, so preorder while you can!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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