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Chicken Wiggle Level Editor (Video)

Chicken Wiggle is a platformer coming to the 3DS eshop. Not only will it have levels of its own, but it will also feature a level editor. Please take a look at the video below and then come back for my thoughts on the editor.

The Chicken Wiggle level editor looks fantastic! At first, I thought it just looked neat, but as Jools Watsham showed more of the editor’s features, my jaw stayed open. The editor will allow you to create platforms, tunnels, invisible areas to explore, and more. The amount of replay for Chicken Wiggle will be massive. You create levels, share them online, and download other levels. This definitely reminds me of Super Mario Maker!

It looks like the Chicken Wiggle level editor will have a lot to it. It was pretty obvious that Jools didn’t show off all of the things you could put into the levels. I’m excited to see more of this game!

What about you?? What do you think of Chicken Wiggle’s level editor?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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