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Why Online Gambling is Better Than The Real Thing

There are millions of people who love the casino gambling experience. Many of them live within at least holiday distance of a good venue. For the rest of us, the digital version has to do.


And while it’s not exactly the same as being in a casino, there are many ways in which it’s actual superior to the real thing.

There are some diehard fans – mostly older – who might not agree. Your own experience is always going to vary. But it’s true – the digital age has allowed many more people to gamble than ever before.

Online Gambling – Better than Casinos?

It doesn’t take much to figure out the biggest reasons online casinos are better than the physical thing. Places like the website UFABET aren’t limited by the space or cost of a physical building, meaning there is far more variety.

They can adhere to the same themes or ideas as their real life counterparts, but they can get away with color schemes and JPGs. Nobody needs to buy recreation Roman fountains or statues.

But it’s all from the palm of your hand. There’s no reason to travel or even sit somewhere special. You just pick up your phone and you’re able to play.

This is a huge improvement over the pre-digital age. Gambling was for the few, and regular gambling was for even fewer. If you lived in Las Vegas, you stood a chance. But outside of that, you had to travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to get to a casino.

And that’s presuming you were living in the US. There are still places today where gambling is illegal, and it’s only through loopholes that gamblers are able to enjoy themselves.

In other places, sports betting is easily accessible, but other kinds of betting isn’t.

And so being able to play on a phone is a huge advantage to the gambler unable to travel.

But That’s Not All

If that was the only advantage, it’d be a pretty good one. But there are many more advantages too.

For instance, the ability to pick and choose from a variety of casinos shouldn’t be undervalued. If there’s one that changes their pricing, or that suddenly start doing things you don’t like, you can easily find another.

Gambling is better as well. You can have a bigger variety, both of games and of stakes. You can choose if you want a particular theme or language. All of this can be done from the safety of a search engine, without ever having to leave your house.

Which is the other advantage to online gambling. You can do your research. Sitting in a casino is a lot different from sitting at home. You might be able to check reviews, if you think to do it, but more likely you just hit up the one that looks good and go from there.

With thousands of casinos to pick from online, you have to do your research. Thankfully it’s easy to do. You end up with a form of gambling that is more convenience, safer and incredibly enjoyable.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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