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The Raven Remastered

I read Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie for the first time last year and saw the new movie. I loved the book, really liked the movie, and I bring this all up because The Raven Remastered is heavly inspired by Murder on the Orient Express and Christie in general! Is that good thing? Is this a good game? Here is my review of The Raven Remastered for the Nintendo Switch!


The Raven Remastered borrows a lot from Agatha Christie. The story’s detective has a mustache like Hercule Poirot, the gameplay starts out on a train much like Murder on the Orient Express, and there’s even a very Agatha Christie like writer on the train. Even the style of the story, from the detective interviewing people in a very Poirot way to the plot twists, reminds me of a Christie story.

I really enjoyed this homage to Christie’s stories and the way everything progressed. If you are a fan of the murder mystery writer, you’ll probably enjoy this story more but I think people who’ve never read or seen her stories can enjoy this game too.

The story is, without a doubt, the game’s main selling point. The gameplay is basic point and click with some neat puzzle solving her and there. You will have to be a bit creative to figure out some of the puzzles, while others are not as hard (there is a hint system that is sometimes helpful). The gameplay isn’t anything we haven’t seen before but the story elevates it a bit.

The Raven Remastered doesn’t take advantage of the screen touch screen in portable mode nor any other Nintendo Switch features. I think its unfortunate that there is no touch screen intergretion, this game seems like a no brainer for it, however, the analog and button controls for this game do work fine.

And The Raven Remastered has really good graphics. At times, the game looks like an animated movie. The music and sound effects in this game are good too. Though the best part of the game, sound wise, is the voice acting. I think Christie fans will be happy.

If you like point and click mystery games, then The Raven Remastered is a game to check out. Agatha Christie fans especially shouldn’t miss this game. The detective is not Poirot but I think the two of them would get along.

The Raven Remastered gets an 8.5 out of 10.

A digital code was provided for this review. The Raven Remastered is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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