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Rime Announced For Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC

I had never heard of the action/adventure/puzzle game known as Rime before. Apparently, the game was supposed to be a PS4 exclusive. Now, the game has been re-announced as being for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. We have more details below.


If you like Wind Waker and/or the Last Guardian, you’ll want to keep your eyes on Rime. The upcoming action/adventure/puzzle game has the look of Last Guardian and the gameplay of Wind Waker.

Here is how the developer describes the game:

” Tequila Works describes Rime as “a single-player puzzle adventure about discovery, experienced through the eyes of a young boy who awakens on a mysterious island after shipwrecking off its coast. Players must navigate the island’s secrets by making use of light, sound, perspective and even time. Inspired by the rugged, sunbaked terrain of the Mediterranean coast, Rime paints its breathtaking world with a fusion of vibrant colors and moving musical undertones to set the stage for the deeply personal journey that awaits within.” ”

Check out this trailer of Rime:



Rime looks amazing! The graphics do remind me a lot of The Last Guardian (or Ico) with a touch of Wind Waker, especially in the gameplay. There looks to be a lot of puzzles to solve and a big area to explore! I plan to get a Nintendo Switch sooner or later and this game will go on my must play list. Its just jaw dropping!

What do you think of Rime? Which system will you play it on?

Source: IGN


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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