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Reverie: Sweet As Edition Is Coming to the Nintendo Switch Next Month

Imagine a game that looks Earthbound, but plays like Zelda. Well, actually you don’t have to imagine it. Reverie, currently available on the Playstation 4, looks like Earthbound and plays like Zelda. And the game is coming to the Nintendo Switch in February!


Reverie: Sweet As Edition is coming to the Nintendo Switch on February 7th!

This verison of Reverie will include, according to the developer’s twitter, “updated sprites, a new mini-game, and a new difficulty mode.”

If you’ve never played Reverie before, then this will be the version to get. Though even if you have played it before, you’ll want to get this version too.

I played Reverie on the PS4 and enjoyed it a lot. The game really does look like Earthbound. And while the gameplay is more Zelda-like, it has its own unique tools and puzzles. It also has a brand of humor that I really enjoyed.

Are you looking forward to Reverie: Sweet As Edition?



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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