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Great Games, Cheap Prices – Island Farmer

Anytime I load up the Nintendo eShop the first place I stop off at is the Deals section. I’m always looking for good games at a good price, but like with the iOS and Google Play App Store, the eShop is FULL of shovelware titles with little to no playability. And it’s really unfortunate. So when purchasing games for less than $5.00 Canadian, one must be careful what the purchase. Here is how I came to own Island Farmer.


So how do I make my decisions, you might ask? It’s pretty simple really. I look at the pictures first – if those don’t interest me, I doubt it’s a game I’ll want to play. Island Farmer fit the initial eye test, with some gorgeous looking graphics.

Next, I assume what the content of a game may be about. In the case of Island Farmer, I was dead wrong. I assumed it was a farming game on an island, where you had little 1×1 blocks that you could place down to build farms, mills, and more. So while my assumption was off, the thought of what it could be was reason enough to click the link and explore further.

Generally, I’ll use a third method, which is actually reading what the game is all about. Ironically, I thought I had a solid idea of what Island Farmer was going to be about, so I forwent doing that and just went straight to purcahsing. Wasn’t I suprrised when I launched the game to find out it wasn’t about farming at all, but was rather a tile swapping puzzle game!

Still, I enjoyed my time with Island Farmer a lot, and for only $3.50 Canadian, I think the experience I got was well worth it. Check back with GamesReviews often to see what other bargain games I’m playing!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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