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Lego + Gameboy Announced

Lego and Nintendo will be teaming up once again for Lego Gameboy.

Lego and Nintendo are teaming up again for a new Lego Nintendo product: Lego Gameboy. It’ll come out in October 2025. Not much has been shown about it other than the above video.

The Lego Nintendo products have been really neat so far. Its cool to see a classic Nintendo handheld get the Lego treatment. Hopefully we’ll see more of it soon.

Also: please Nintendo and Lego: let’s see a Lego Nintendo game. Lego Mario? Lego Animal Crossing? Lego Nintendo Universe? Any and all. We’d love to see it.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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