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Best Books About Gambling

If you would like to deepen your knowledge of gambling for pleasure, improve your gambling skills, or look for motivation, checking out some of the best books that offer both amusing and useful gambling information is a great choice! In this article, we present a collection of books that you should definitely dive into to comprehend what’s happening inside the casino and get in the right mood for further wins.


Expand your knowledge with the best gambling books

Apart from people who are simply interested in new knowledge about the gambling business, bettors can also benefit from reading these books. They can satisfy their inquisitiveness and, moreover, discover something specific about specific topics, for example, is online roulette rigged? This ultimately provides players with the fascinating opportunity to increase their luck and gain profit thanks to the valuable knowledge gained.

Also, those who love to bet and play in casinos on American gambling sites should definitely familiarize themselves with various articles and offers of Gambling Court. And now, we can move on to our selection of books that immerse us in the world of gambling.

Bringing Down The House

Created by Ben Mezrich and released in 2002, this book tells the story of a team of blackjack players and Kevin Lewis, a student at MIT, who intends to steal enormous sums of money from Las Vegas casinos.

Over the course of the story, we delve into his reasoning and the decisions he makes, from the moment he decides to enter the team to the moment he decides it’s time to walk away. An incredible narrative about how a student succeeded in outplaying the institution and gained a huge amount of money!

The Biggest Bluff

Authored by Maria Konnikova and launched in 2020, this story tells about the woman’s sudden desire to win in the times of high-roll poker. She has made more than $311,000, and her earnings keep increasing every month as she pursues a passion for professional poker and has the luck to overcome her opponents over and over again.

Being a psychologist, she continues to make a living by conducting research and authoring articles, and poker remains one of the many activities she relishes in her spare time. It’s a great book that reveals the story of how one woman made her way from an absolute novice to one of the most successful women in the poker world.

Fortune’s Formula

This dynamic book, authored by William Poundstone in 2006, reveals the story of how the author, William Poundstone, delves into the influence of Claude Shannon, one of the world’s foremost exponents of information theory, on the areas of finance, investing and gambling.

When the book’s protagonists experimented with their convictions in practice, they moved from blackjack and roulette in Las Vegas to dealing on Wall Street and found themselves at the peak of success. If you enjoy sports betting and gambling in casinos, Fortune’s Formula is undoubtedly one of the best books on gambling you can get your hands on these days.


A book authored by sports betting specialist Simon Kuper and released in 2018, Soccernomics is a fascinating and perhaps underrated book in which he looked at the 2018 FIFA World Cup and tried to develop a model that would allow him to ultimately receive more money than he would have lost on sports betting over the long-term.

Throughout his book, Kuper claims that every sport’s gambling event is different, which means that each of them needs to be studied individually and a strategy has to be created for most of them. He does not deliver straightforward solutions, but rather provides convincing evidence on how examining specific facets of games or seasons can result in a lucrative sports gambling formula.

A Man For All Markets

Created by the prominent mathematician Edward O. Thorpe and revealed in 2017, this story tells about his discovery of a card counting method that enables him to demonstrate how to beat the dealer at blackjack.

Following his overwhelming success and mathematical proof, casinos altered the rules of the game in order to outplay him and his supporters, whom he inspired to follow suit. This book is the first to tell the story of Thorpe’s findings and techniques, and the inquisitiveness that inevitably drove him to challenge common wisdom and come up with rules-changing responses.

It’s a fascinating and scientifically based journey, full of actionable tips that can guide us all through tricky money paths and provide us with the insights we crave to combat our irrational world.


In summary, immersing yourself in these fascinating works, both new and old, will allow you to plunge into the universe of gambling and casinos and gain valuable insight and amusement from those who have encountered the business head-on.


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