The second episode of Telltale's take on Game of Thrones feels a little too much like a second beginning, but shows that things are soon going to start heating up. Despite more appearances from HBO's incredible cast, it's the developing stories of its original characters that hold your attention this time around.
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Grim Fandango Remastered Review
Grim Fandango is one of the classic adventure games. That's why it deserved more than this lazy remaster.
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Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries Preview
“This is not a fairy tale. There’s nothing fair about it”. When the protagonist of Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries introduces us to her world, this is the key statement she makes. A warning and an explanation: she is telling the player that this is no ordinary happy-ending bedtime story. In early-access on Steam, Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries tells the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood with a dark and gritty twist that takes the old story to a whole new level.
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Overture Review
Recently action-adventure rogue-like games have made a huge comeback. With notable successes recently such as The Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, this game-type is seeing resurgence. The most recent in the line is Overture. Allowing the player to control a 16-bit hero and navigate them through randomly generated dungeons across the world, Overture is fun, fast-paced, and non-stop action.
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Majora’s Mask 3DS Review
Majora's Mask was one of the best games made for the N64. Now it's on 3DS, and the wait was more than worth it.
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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Immediately upon starting Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, you are thrown right into the life of nave and gentle young Naie, who has been plagued with guilt since witnessing his mothers drowning while helplessly standing by. He is looked after by his older brother Naia and his kind father.
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The Evil Within Review
The Evil Within manages to revive some of the best parts of the Survival Horror genre with its dark brooding atmosphere and classic elements of gameplay. Scavenging for supplies and fighting your way through a detestable world hasn't been this much fun since Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill 2. The world that Shinji Mikami The Father of Survival Horror has created cleverly combines a tasteful amount of stealth and action sequences that gives the player a great sense of awareness of the world they are traversing.
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Game of Thrones Episode One Review
HBO's Game of Thrones is what a character drama should be: tense interpersonal relationships, heartwrenching twists and a man that inexplicably can only say his name over and over again. There's only one developer capable of making that sort of thing interactive, and that's Telltale. With their first long-awaited episode now available on PS4, does it live up to the hit TV show?
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Dreamfall Chapters: Book One Review
When players last saw the characters of the Longest Journey Franchise, they were in peril: Kian Alvane was questioning his place as an apostle of his religion and faced arrest, Zoe Castillo had managed to save the world but had fallen into a terminal coma, and pessimistic rebel April Ryan had fallen to her presumed death in the invaded Swamplands. Dreamfall: The Longest Journeyleft players facing terrible cliffhangers, but fans were sure the strong storytelling put forward by Ragnar Tornquist and his team would answer all their questions in time.
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Walking Dead Season 2 Review
Last year, Telltale elevated point and click games to a new level with their first season of the award-winning The Walking Dead. Creating a follow-up to that fantastic set of titles was a difficult task for Telltale, and they mostly succeeded. While there are moments of brilliance, season two doesn’t reach the level of excellence that season one was able to achieve.
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