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More Thoughts From Me: Finally Zelda Is the Hero

The Legend of Zelda has been one of my favorite video games for a long time. I started playing it with the very first game and fell in love with the franchise with A Link to the Past on the SNES. Link has been the hero of every game since day one. Of course, the game is called the Legend of ZELDA though. So its about time that she took center stage. Let’s talk about Echoes of Wisdom!

Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is the newest upcoming game in the classic Nintendo franchise. This one is a bit different though. Usually Link would be up front and centerstage defending Hyrule and saving Zelda. This time…Hyrule is in trouble and so is Link. Who will be the hero to save the day?

This time is ZELDA.

And I have to say this: FINALLY. After all this time, finally Zelda is the hero! This has been a long time coming.

I know there a lot of people going like “No. Link is the hero!” And yes he has been since the first game. However, Link’s name isn’t usually in the title even. Zelda’s name is always in the title. There’s even a joke that goes around about people who don’t know the game calling Link by Zelda’s name. There are a few of the game’s with Link’s name, like a Link to the Past, but generally, its Legend of Zelda: insert subtitle here.

Not only that but in this day and age, its pretty clear that the guy doesn’t have to save the woman all the time. Sometimes, the woman can save the man. Heck, sometimes the man isn’t even around period. Look at the recent Princess Peach staring game. Peach got a spotlight (finally!) and it was a really fun game. That was clearly just a spinoff title though. Echoes of Wisdom is a mainline Zelda experience.

More than Peach, more that Samus or any other woman (or man) character in Nintendo history, Zelda deserves this spotlight. The character has become more important in more recent games in the franchise, but to have her as the lead is a very important step. Now, I’m not saying that she should replace Link altogether. The franchise needs Link. What I am saying though is that this has always been her Legend. So its absolutely perfect that she gets to be the hero for once. Hopefully more than once!

Not only that but this new Zelda game will feature a cool new mechanic: echoes! Zelda can create “echoes” of items and call them to help her out when she needs it. Though, its not just items that she can “echo”. She can also call in enemies too. We recently found out that Zelda will be able to weld a sword too but first and foremost, echoes will be what she uses to save the day.

Echoes of Wisdom will be a combination of Breath/Tears like gameplay and a traditional Zelda experience too. As you can see, I’m pretty excited for this game. I’m so happy that Zelda is getting the spotlight. I’m also happy that the gameplay will be really unique and also bring back dungeons too.

Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom comes out on September 26th, 2024. That only a few weeks from now!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinon column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. I can’t wait to play this game!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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