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Mika and the Witch’s Mountain Review

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain

Release: August 21, 2024
Publisher: Chibig
Developer: Chibig
Genre: Adventure, Family, Genres, Indie, Sim, Simulation, Switch Reviews, Video


Worth a Play About Rating
7.5 - Gameplay
7.5 - Video
7.5 - Audio

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is a cute, charming looking game but is it a fun game? Is it worth checking out? Here is our review of Mika and the Witch’s Mountain for Nintendo Switch.

Mika is a young witch who gets sent to train with a senior witch and then quickly gets pushed off a cliff and ends up having to work for a delivery service to learn to fly better and make her way back to her potential mentor. The story is cute and so is the dialogue in the game. Mik and the Witch’s Mountain has a certain charm to it, even though the gameplay is a bit flawed, though still fun.

The main part of Mika and the Witch’s Mountain’s gameplay is delivering packages while flying around. Flying isn’t easy though. The broom moves unsteadily around and you have to use air pockets to help you get higher even though it seems like it shouldn’t be that tough. Flying isn’t as joyful as it should be but it can still be fun when you don’t feel pressure during a delivery.

And that’s the worst problem with the gameplay: Packages you deliver are too fragile and break way too easy. Then you must go back to the delivery center to get them again and there is no warp point back! This can be really frustrating especially on the load haul deliveries. You do feel a lot of pride when you don’t break a package though!

Despite these flaws, Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is still fun. The exploration in the game is neat and there are lot of things to find and areas to visit. The game isn’t huge, but its very open and cool to explore. Just looking around in this cute world is more fun than the delivery portion of the game. Mika and the Witch’s Mountain’s cute charm absolutely overpowers its flaws.

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain has very cute, pretty graphics. The animated cutscenes are especially good. This is a good game despite any gameplay shortcomings

Flying in Mika and the Witch’s Mountain could be a bit better, it especially be more forgiving about packages. Warp points would be a big help too. Even so, exploring the open world of Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is fun. The game is so cute and its charm makes this game worth checking out.

A digital code was provided for this review. Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is available now for the Nintendo Switch.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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